
monad.decorators - helpful decorators.

monad.decorators.failsafe(callable_object=None, predicate=None, left_on_value=Null, left_on_exception=<type 'exceptions.Exception'>)[source]

Transform a callable into a function returns an Either.

>>> parse_int = failsafe(int)
>>> parse_int(42)
>>> parse_int(42.0)
>>> parse_int('42')
>>> parse_int('invalid')
>>> parse_pos = failsafe(int, predicate=lambda i: i > 0)
>>> parse_pos('42')
>>> parse_pos('-42')
>>> parse_nonzero = failsafe(int, left_on_value=0)
>>> parse_nonzero('42')
>>> parse_nonzero('0')
>>> @failsafe(left_on_exception=ZeroDivisionError)
... def safe_div(a, b):
...     return a / b
>>> safe_div(42.0, 2)
>>> safe_div(42, 0)

When invoked, this new function returns the return value of decorated function, wrapped in an Either monad.

predicate should be a false value, or be set to a callable. The default is None.

left_on_value can be set to any object supporting comparison against return value of the original function. The default is Null, which means no checking on the return value.

left_on_exception should be a false value, or a type of exception, or a tuple of exceptions. The default is Exception, which will suppress most exceptions and return Left(exception) instead.

The returned monad will be Left if

  • predicate is set, and predicate(result_from_decorated_function) returns true value (not necessarily equal to True)
  • left_on_value is set and the result from decorated function matches it, testing with ==
  • left_on_exception is set and a compatible exception has been caught, the exception will be suppressed in this case, and the value of exception will be wrapped in a Left
  • exception ExtractError has been caught, this could be the case, for example, trying to extract value from Nothing
  • any combination of the above

Otherwise, the result will be wrapped in a Right.


Decorator that wraps a callabe into Function.

>>> to_int = function(int)
>>> to_int('42')
>>> @function
... def puts(msg, times=1):
...     while times > 0:
...         print(msg)
...         times -= 1
>>> puts('Hello, world', 2)
Hello, world
Hello, world
monad.decorators.maybe(callable_object=None, predicate=None, nothing_on_value=Null, nothing_on_exception=<type 'exceptions.Exception'>)[source]

Transform a callable into a function returns a Maybe.

>>> parse_int = maybe(int)
>>> parse_int(42)
>>> parse_int(42.0)
>>> parse_int('42')
>>> parse_int('invalid')
>>> parse_pos = maybe(int, predicate=lambda i: i > 0)
>>> parse_pos('42')
>>> parse_pos('-42')
>>> parse_nonzero = maybe(int, nothing_on_value=0)
>>> parse_nonzero('42')
>>> parse_nonzero('0')
>>> @maybe(nothing_on_exception=ZeroDivisionError)
... def safe_div(a, b):
...     return a / b
>>> safe_div(42.0, 2)
>>> safe_div(42, 0)

When invoked, this new function returns the return value of decorated function, wrapped in a Maybe monad.

predicate should be a false value, or be set to a callable. The default is None.

nothing_on_value can be set to any object supporting comparison against return value of the original function. The default is Null, which means no checking on the return value.

nothing_on_exception can be a false value, a type of exception, or a tuple of exceptions. The default is Exception, which will suppress most exceptions and return Nothing instead.

The returned monad will be Nothing if

  • predicate is set, and predicate(result_from_decorated_function) returns true value (not necessarily equal to True)
  • nothing_on_value is set and the result from decorated function matches it, testing with ==
  • nothing_on_exception is set and a compatible exception has been caught, the exception will be suppressed in this case
  • exception ExtractError has been caught, when trying to extract value from Nothing
  • any combination of the above

Otherwise, the result will be wrapped in a Just.


Decorator that wraps a callabe into Monadic.

monad.decorators.producer(function_or_generator=None, empty_on_exception=None)[source]

Transform a callable into a producer that when called, returns List.

>>> @producer
... def double(a):
...     yield a
...     yield a
>>> List(42) >> double
List(42, 42)
>>> @producer
... def times(a):
...     for b in List(1, 2, 3):
...         yield '{}x{}={}'.format(a, b, a * b)
>>> List(1, 2) >> times
List('1x1=1', '1x2=2', '1x3=3', '2x1=2', '2x2=4', '2x3=6')

function_or_generator can be a function that returns an iterable, or a generator.

empty_on_exception can be a false value, a type of exception, or a tuple of exceptions. The default is None, which will not suppress all exceptions except ExtractError, in which case, an empty List will be returned.