Source code for monad.types.either

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Philip Xu <>
# License: BSD New, see LICENSE for details.
"""monad.types.either - The Either Monad."""

from . import Monad, Monadic
from ..mixins import ContextManager, Ord

[docs]class Either(Monad, ContextManager, Ord): """The Either Monad. Represents values/computations with two possibilities. >>> Right(42) Right(42) >>> Right([1, 2, 3]) Right([1, 2, 3]) >>> Left('Error') Left('Error') >>> Right(Left('Error')) Right(Left('Error')) >>> isinstance(Right(1), Either) True >>> isinstance(Left(None), Either) True >>> saving = 100 >>> broke = Left('I am broke') >>> spend = lambda cost: broke if cost > saving else Right(saving - cost) >>> spend(90) Right(10) >>> spend(120) Left('I am broke') >>> safe_div = lambda a, b: Left(str(a) + '/0') if b == 0 else Right(a / b) >>> safe_div(12.0, 6) Right(2.0) >>> safe_div(12.0, 0) Left('12.0/0') Bind operation with ``>>`` >>> inc = lambda n: Right(n + 1) if type(n) is int else Left('Type error') >>> Right(0) Right(0) >>> Right(0) >> inc Right(1) >>> Right(0) >> inc >> inc Right(2) >>> Right('zero') >> inc Left('Type error') Comparison with ``==``, as long as they are the same type and what's wrapped inside are comparable. >>> Left(42) == Left(42) True >>> Right(42) == Right(42) True >>> Left(42) == Right(42) False A :py:class:`Left` is less than a :py:class:`Right`, or compare the two by the values inside if thay are of the same type. >>> Left(42) < Right(42) True >>> Right(0) > Left(100) True >>> Left('Error message') > Right(42) False >>> Left(100) > Left(42) True >>> Right(-2) < Right(-1) True """ def __init__(self, value): super(Either, self).__init__(value) if type(self) is Either: raise NotImplementedError('Please use Left or Right instead')
[docs] def bind(self, function): """The bind operation of :py:class:`Either`. Applies function to the value if and only if this is a :py:class:`Right`. """ return self and function(self.value)
def __repr__(self): """Customize Show.""" fmt = 'Right({})' if self else 'Left({})' return fmt.format(repr(self.value)) # Customize Ord logic def __lt__(self, monad): """Override to handle special case: Right.""" if not isinstance(monad, (Left, Right)): fmt = "unorderable types: {} and {}'".format raise TypeError(fmt(type(self), type(monad))) if type(self) is type(monad): # same type, either both lefts or rights, compare against value return self.value < monad.value if monad: # self is Left and monad is Right, left is less than right return True else: return False
[docs]class Left(Either): """Left of :py:class:`Either`.""" def __bool__(self): # pylint: disable = no-self-use return False __nonzero__ = __bool__
Either.unit = Monadic(Right)